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Is an electric shower better than mixer showers?



If you decided to make a change in your bathroom assets and wondering which type of shower would suit your needs, this guide is for you. We’ll talk about the differences between a conventional mixer shower with modern electric shower to help you make the best decision.

If you are a fan of hot showers, mixer showers are a popular choice for you. Electric showers also can provide so much more benefits in comparison with mixer showers. So which one is a better option for you? Which one is more eco-friendly? We will discuss them, keep reading.

Some people choose mixer showers over electric showers because of the price of electricity. It can sometimes be more expensive than gas used by mixer showers. Some of them choose an electric shower over a mixer shower because of the water supply in electric showers. You can use only a cold water supply for electric showers. This feature is a good choice for old buildings and special conditions.

In this article, we will give you an informative guide that will cover the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of showers to help you decide which one is the best choice for your home.

Learn more about mixer showers

In the UK homes. Mixer showers are a common choice for supplying hot water in domestic properties. Mixer showers come in a variety of models and designs depending on your taste and usage. You can choose a basic model with hidden plumbing or a classic shaped shower to use in neoclassic bathrooms.

Mixer showers work in a very simple mechanism. The water temperature and pressure regulation can easily control by the control panel. Mixer showers also have different types of functions and design themselves. If you choose a thermostatic mixer shower, the temperature of the water will remain at a certain degree, even if you use its water elsewhere in your building. Thermostatic mixer showers also provide more safety. It also has an anti-scald cut out device to stop the flow of water. This option is very useful, especially if you have a child or elder relatives in your household.

Summary: advantages of mixer showers

  •  Very easy installation
  • It is so simple to use
  • Many homes already fitted mixer showers in the UK
  • Mixer showers use a gas boiler 
  • Thermostatic mixer showers let you maintain the temperature to a certain degree
  • Mixer showers came into different models
  • You can hide plumbing from view and give a minimal appearance to the bathroom

Disadvantages of mixer showers:

Remember that if you are using a mixer shower as a hot water supply in your house, it may have been affected by other appliances in your house! It means if you use hot or cold water for example in the kitchen via dishwasher, you probably can’t take an extra hot shower in the bathroom because you already using it in the kitchen and this is such an unpleasant shock for you, isn’t it?

Also, the flow rate can be negatively affected by kitchen usage. Besides this kind of issue, the general water temperature adjustment in the bathroom would be difficult for you with the manual shower mixer taps.

Mixer shower installation also needs more access in comparison to the electric shower. For installing a mixer shower you will need access to both hot and cold water supply that is not a practical choice in some conditions like adding a new bathroom in your house.

A mixer shower is not a good choice for areas that are suffering from low water pressure. A shower pump and an electric shower is the best choice for you.

Learn more about Electric Showers

Not like the conventional mixer showers, but electric showers are one of the popular choices in many buildings. With electric showers, cold water is heated in a unit by electricity, so electric showers do not rely on the boiler for heat. You can easily turn it off or on with a normal switch that is located outside or inside of the bathroom.

Most of the electrical showers offer a simple to use dial control pad that is typically scaled from 0 to 9. You can also select your desired water pressure that is usually labelled by the low – eco–high option.

Main advantages of electric showers:

  • Electrical showers are super easy to install (We recommend you to find the best-qualified electrician or plumber in London to help you in shower installation.)
  • It is not affected by another water usage in your home.
  • If your existing water boiler in the house has difficulty in the cold, electric showers offer more consistent heat in the cold seasons for your family.
  • You can use hot water anywhere else in your house.
  • Electric showers only require clod waters (this is a good feature for renovating and new shower room extinctions)
  • Electrical showers only heat the water you want to use.
  • It is a good choice for rental properties.
  • Electrical showers use less water than mixer showers.

Disadvantages of electric showers:

  • If you are using the electric shower, if the switch is in outside, anybody can turn it off. If you have a child in your house, this feature can be a little tricky.
  • It also can have affected by extremely low water pressure. This issue can cause the main heating system failure.  (we recommend calling a professional electrician in this case, our staff in EWL are ready to help you.)
  • Unlike mixer showers, electric showers don’t provide you with a variety of options.
  • If you like to hide plumbing and electrical units in your bathroom, electric showers maybe look a little obstructive, especially if you want a minimal bathroom.

So, Are electric showers really better than mixer showers?

We talked about the pros and cons of mixer showers and electric showers in previous parts. Both of them can use by different users with the same results. It depends on your usage. If you want to have consistent hot water or you want an easy solution for a rental property you have different choices to make. But in total yes, it is more common to use mixer showers. 

If you already bought an electric shower and want to find more about “shower installation near me in London” we can help you there! Our experienced electrician in electric works London is prepared to help you out.

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Revolutionizing Web Development: The Indispensable Role of NodeJS



NodeJS website development

Web development has drastically changed in the past few years with the emergence of modern frameworks and libraries that simplify the process and improve developer experience. NodeJS is one such revolutionary technology that has completely transformed the web development landscape, making it more agile, flexible, and scalable. NodeJS is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment, built on the Chrome V8 engine, which enables developers to create fast and efficient web applications. This blog post will delve into the indispensable role NodeJS plays in modern web development and why it has become the preferred choice for developers worldwide. In our present digital age, efficiency is the cornerstone of any successful website development project. NodeJS stands out in this regard. Its event-driven nature facilitates efficient handling of concurrent client requests, providing swift responses, and thus, significantly boosting the performance of web applications.

1. Speed and Scalability

One of the most significant advantages of NodeJS website development is its speed and scalability. Due to its non-blocking I/O model, Node can handle many connections at once, ensuring applications remain responsive even under heavy loads. This scalability is critical to meet the demands of today’s users, who expect real-time updates and seamless user experiences. Moreover, NodeJS’s speed makes it ideal for creating lightweight, performant APIs that can handle a massive amount of data with ease. NodeJS is not just about efficiency, it’s also about building robust, scalable web solutions. With its single-threaded model and event-driven architecture, NodeJS is primed to handle heavy traffic and deliver high-end performance, making it an excellent choice for developing large-scale applications.

2. Cross-Platform Compatibility

NodeJS website development is a cross-platform technology that can run on different operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS. This compatibility enables developers to create applications that can run in any environment, making it easier to deploy and manage applications for diverse user bases. Additionally, NodeJS’s modularity, which allows developers to use modules and packages based on their specific needs, makes it easier to handle dependencies and streamline the development process. NodeJS is also an ideal technology for developing scalable and efficient microservices architecture, as it breaks large monolithic environments into smaller-functional components. By using NodeJS to build microservices, developers can create small and manageable modules that communicate with each other through APIs. This architecture allows for better scalability, durability, and improved crash resistance. NodeJS also supports a wide range of databases, including NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, making it an ideal tool for developing database-centric applications.

3. Rich Ecosystem and Community Support

NodeJS website development has a vast collection of modules and packages available in its ecosystem, which makes it easier for developers to create applications with pre-built components. The NPM (Node Package Manager) repository is home to over 1 million modules that can be added to applications, saving developers a significant amount of time and effort. Furthermore, NodeJS has a thriving community of developers who are continually updating and improving the platform, making it easier for others to contribute to and enhance the ecosystem.

4. Microservices and DevOps

NodeJS is incredibly well-suited to the development of microservices, which are small, independent services that act together to form a complete application. Microservices architecture allows developers to create scalable, modular, and easily maintainable applications. Moreover, DevOps teams can use NodeJS to automate application deployment, testing, and monitoring, reducing the time and effort required to maintain application stability and uptime.

5. Future of Web Development

While NodeJS has been a game-changer in web development, and remains an essential technology for creating modern web applications, its benefits extend beyond in-house development teams.  The rise of  web development outsourcing makes NodeJS’s features even more attractive.  Its speed, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility make it a perfect choice for outsourced teams working on projects with tight deadlines and ever-changing requirements. NodeJS also provides developers with an added level of flexibility that enables them to work on both the client-side and server-side of their applications. Using the same language to code across both client and server-side means that developers can create more complex applications with less complexity and optimize their applications more effectively. It also means that they can easily reuse code across different projects, enabling the efficient creation of similar but slightly different web applications.


NodeJS has revolutionized web development by enabling developers to create fast, efficient, and scalable applications that can run on any platform. Its rich ecosystem, cross-platform compatibility, and community support have made it popular among developers worldwide, and it continues to evolve to meet the demands of modern web development. As more businesses move towards digital transformation, NodeJS is poised to play an even more critical role in web development and is set to be an essential technology for developers for years to come. With its high scalability and performance, NodeJS has undeniably changed the game for dynamic website development. But evolution doesn’t stop here. As we look ahead, it’s clear that NodeJS will continue to play a vital role in the future of web development, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and paving the way for the next web revolution.

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10 Unique Custom Keychain Ideas to Showcase Your Personality




In today’s world, where self-expression is cherished, custom keychains have emerged as a popular accessory to showcase one’s personality. Gone are the days of generic keychains; instead, individuals are opting for personalized options that reflect their unique interests, hobbies, and quirks. If you’re looking to add a touch of individuality to your everyday carry, here are 10 unique custom keychain ideas to consider:

  1. Miniature Book Keychain

For the bookworms and literary enthusiasts, a miniature book keychain is the perfect accessory to flaunt your love for reading. Customize the cover with your favorite book title or author’s name, and carry a piece of literature wherever you go.

  1. Retro Cassette Tape Keychain

Nostalgia meets functionality with a retro cassette tape keychain. Whether you’re a music aficionado or simply appreciate vintage aesthetics, this custom keychain is sure to turn heads. Personalize it with your favorite album or mixtape for a unique touch.

  1. Puzzle Piece Keychain Set

Celebrate the bond of friendship or love with a puzzle piece keychain set. Each piece can be customized with initials, dates, or symbols that hold significance to you and your loved ones. When connected, the keychains form a complete picture, symbolizing unity and connection.

  1. Travel Destination Keychain

Capture your wanderlust adventures with a custom keychains featuring your favorite travel destinations. Whether it’s the iconic skyline of New York City or the serene beaches of Bali, let your keychain serve as a reminder of the places you’ve explored and the memories you’ve made.

  1. Vintage Camera Keychain

Photography enthusiasts will appreciate a vintage camera keychain that pays homage to their passion. Customize the keychain with intricate details and personalize it with your initials or a meaningful quote. It’s a stylish accessory that reflects your artistic flair.

  1. Constellation Keychain

Astrology enthusiasts can showcase their zodiac sign with a constellation keychain. Each keychain features the unique arrangement of stars corresponding to your astrological sign, making it a personalized accessory that reflects your cosmic identity.

  1. Pet Portrait Keychain

For pet lovers who want to keep their furry friends close at all times, a custom pet portrait keychain is the ideal choice. Simply provide a photo of your beloved pet, and watch as it’s transformed into a miniature masterpiece that you can carry wherever you go.

  1. Custom Soundwave Keychain

Turn your favorite song, quote, or message into a unique visual representation with a custom soundwave keychain. Each keychain features the waveform of your chosen sound, creating a one-of-a-kind accessory that is both visually striking and deeply personal.

  1. Handwritten Message Keychain

Capture a moment in time with a handwritten message keychain. Whether it’s a love note from a significant other, a heartfelt message from a friend, or words of wisdom from a family member, transform handwritten sentiments into a wearable keepsake that holds sentimental value.

  1. Abstract Art Keychain

Let your creativity shine with an abstract art keychain that reflects your unique sense of style. Whether you prefer bold colors and geometric shapes or subtle brushstrokes and organic forms, customize your keychain with an abstract design that speaks to you.


Q: How do I go about creating a custom keychain? A: Many online retailers offer customizable keychain options where you can upload your own images or choose from a variety of pre-designed templates. Simply select your preferred design, add personalization details, and place your order.

Q: Are custom keychains expensive? A: The cost of custom keychains varies depending on factors such as materials, design complexity, and customization options. While some options may be more affordable, others may come with a higher price tag for intricate designs or premium materials.

Q: Can I use custom keychains as gifts for special occasions? A: Absolutely! Custom keychains make thoughtful and personalized gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and other special occasions. Whether it’s a portrait of a beloved pet or a soundwave of a meaningful song, custom keychains are sure to be cherished by the recipient.


Custom keychains offer a creative and stylish way to showcase your personality and interests. Whether you opt for a nostalgic cassette tape keychain or a personalized pet portrait keychain, there are endless options to choose from. By selecting a custom keychain that resonates with you, you can carry a piece of your identity wherever you go. So why settle for a generic keychain when you can make a statement with a personalized accessory that is uniquely yours?


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